A Creative Collective

What We Are

Drift Media House is a collective of highly talented creative and communications professionals who offer the same services as a full-blown marketing/advertising/promotion/public relations agency without the overhead. 

No brick and mortar carrying costs passed on to you. No HR costs passed on to you. No artificial layers of agency contact between you and your brand. No resource subscription fees passed on and marked up to you. 

We didn’t invent the Collective; as former agency people, brand managers, and freelancers, we just followed the straightest line to the best work done at the most affordable rates. Because that is where the work is. 

Who We Are

We are travelers, photographers, videographers, digital content creators, and writers who have decades of experience in brand story creation, telling, and value exchange. 

We understand value exchange because we recognize the dynamics and partnership between brands, influence, and adoption.

We are former agency principals, media executives, and communications professionals. 

Not journeymen or apprentices. We are master practitioners with experience and awards earned through years of hard work.

We are intense photographers, videographers, strategic thinkers, and writers.

We don’t know how to do it any other way. Intensity in ideation, articulation, planning, creating, refining, deployment, and review.

What We Do

With a passion for exploration and the beauty of discomfort, we are not afraid to take on the most challenging of projects. We wouldn’t want it any other way.


Full service professional photography packages. You want to be a pirate, we got you. Rockstar? Sure. Whatever you dream up, we can help. we have packages to fit all types of budgets and love to work with passionate people to create the best content to promote your brand.

Brand Strategy

This is where the buzzword “growth agency” comes into effect. We are not that. We’re here to help you with the heavy lifting on personal level—heck, let’s grab a beer and talk strategy.

Drift media house has a proprietary approach to brand strategy is the most important first step you take with us. 

We begin with paper and data, move to current plans, and then on to ideation and rationale. 

For no work should begin without a clear understanding of what we are trying to communicate, what a successful value exchange looks like, and how that is used to generate satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

We stand behind our process. It is one of our favorite things to do.

We specialize in brand stories and storytelling, we believe that there is always more to uncover once you start filming, the story tends to build itself.

Short and long form video for social, editorial and commercial use… or personal.

We don’t judge. At least not in front of you.


